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Laser Genesis

Fisher Medical & Aesthetics Center -  - Cosmetic Dermatology

Fisher Medical & Aesthetics Center

Cosmetic Dermatology located in Peoria, AZ

If you have been seeking a quick, no downtime procedure to gently improve your overall complexion and give you beautiful, brilliant skin, Laser Genesis is the treatment for you. Laser Genesis is a breakthrough non-ablative laser treatment that stimulates the skin’s natural processes to diminish the signs of aging and sun damage, resulting in a more vibrant, healthier-looking complexion. Laser Genesis, the revolutionary new “no pain and no downtime” skin rejuvenation treatment is appropriate for all ages and skin types. Contact Fisher Medical & Aesthetic Center in Peoria, Arizona to schedule your Laser Genesis appointment.

Laser Genesis Q & A



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How does Laser Genesis work?

Micro-pulses of 1064 laser energy are delivered deep into the skin creating a gentle heating of the targeted tissues and a “warm” feeling during the procedure. The laser energy stimulates the body’s own processes to activate collagen production and remodeling resulting in decreased fine lines, pore size, sun damage and scarring and improved overall texture, tone and skin quality. In addition, Laser Genesis 1064 energy uniquely addresses facial redness by targeting the excess micro vessels seen in aging, sun damaged skin and Rosacea.

What areas can be treated and how many treatments are required?

Laser Genesis is an ideal treatment for the face, neck, chest and other areas of the body with noticeable signs of aging, sun damage, redness, or scarring. An initial series of three to six treatments are recommended to achieve an optimal outcome. Improvements are gradual and will be seen to maximize over a period of a few treatments. Results will continue to improve for months after the last treatment. To sustain results over time, ongoing maintenance treatments are encouraged as often as monthly to continue to improve and keep optimum results and the brilliant skin glow!